Before the beginning was love. Everything came to be through love, and without love, nothing that has existed since the beginning, or is now, or will be forever, would have come to be. In the very beginning was love. The basis of the universe – its law and regulations – is love. When all ends, only love will remain; all that is outside love will pass.
God is love. God is truth. God is the true love. The world of God is the world of love; it is the world of truth, and there is no truth outside love. Man is not fulfilled except through love, and he does not reach the truth except in the world of God. Man belongs to God; he is the child of love, the child of God, and his real home is the world of God.
There is a way to God’s world, and that way is Christ. Christ is the truth of love incarnate. He is the proclamation of the truth of life, and He is the way to God’s world.
Every man, during his journey through this world to the other, is called to follow this way. And, as in every journey in this world, a man must take along provisions and weapons in his journey to the other world. The only provision for this journey is love, and the only weapon is love. This love must be encompassing of all human beings, expects nothing in return, knows no boundaries, and must be unconditional. That is how God loves you, so love each other with the same love, with God’s love.
One cannot give this love from oneself but can only receive it from God, through Jesus Christ, to be filled with it, in spirit. This is achieved through prayer. Only through prayer can love be obtained from God the Father, the source of love, through God the Son, Jesus Christ – Love Incarnate – and this love is the Spirit of God in man. Pray to obtain this love, to love all human beings without recompense, without boundaries, without conditions, as God loves, and then you will become Children of God. Man came from the heart of God and will return to God’s heart.